for the life of the world…

some quotes from fr alexander schmemann’s for the life of the world (courtesy of eric john at forty days in the desert): “To accept God’s world as a cosmic cemetery which is to be abolished and replaced by an ‘other world’ which looks like a cemetery (‘eternal rest’) and to call this religion, to live… Read More for the life of the world…

a quote

“christianity is more than a theory about the universe, more than teachings written down on paper; it is a path along which we journey-in the deepest and richest sense, the way of life.” bishop kallistos ware-“the orthodox way”

what is man?

       Bishop Kallistos Ware +++ Who am I? The answer is not at all obvious. My personhood as a human being ranges widely over space and time. And indeed it reaches out beyond space into infinity, and beyond time into eternity. Our human personhood is created, but it transcends the created order. As… Read More what is man?